• info@jubinacare.com
  • +353 1 9682445

Home Support Services

Our home support for older loved ones is a simple way to show you care and are thinking of your loved ones even when you are away. Feeling comfortable and clean in their own home can be a huge step emotionally in feeling refreshed and physically better. Often simple household chores can become daunting and difficult for seniors as mobility, exhaustion or illness prevents them from performing tasks they used to be able to do quickly and easily. Our home support services help seniors feel more comfortable in their own home by helping keep the home clean and provide them with healthy and timely meals.

Our home support services include:

  • Meal Planning/Preparation can be fun to do with a caregiver, but also ensures your loved one has food prepared for them to eat each day.
  • Light Housekeeping can help your loved one feel better emotionally when their surroundings are not dirty or cluttered.
  • Laundry is a necessity that can be difficult for older family members, especially if their laundry room is on a second floor or in the basement.
  • Ironing may seem simple and not as important as other tasks, but feeling neat and put together when going out can be a huge boost in confidence for anyone.
  • Changing Bed Linens is vital for older loved ones especially because of dirt, food or bodily fluids that can end up on the linens that need to be cleaned.
  • Waste Disposal when needed helps eliminate smell from trash and keep bugs away.
  • Gardening and Watering Plants is a small thing that can bring beauty and happiness to your loved ones at home as they enjoy seeing their garden bloom and grow.

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